Provide your patient with the teeth closest to the natural ones.
While fixed bar solutions combine stability with adhesion and comfort, biocompatible materials and excellent surface quality used in production support the soft texture in the best way. Thus, your patient's United Dental prosthesis will be no different from their natural teeth.
Attachments: Gold Rider, Macro, Micro, Flexible
Attachments: Bredent Ball 2.2 mm., OT Cap Ball 1.3 mm., OT Cap Ball 0.9 mm., OT Equator, Locator, OT Strategy
Attachments: Bredent Ball 2.2 mm., OT Cap Ball 1.3 mm., OT Cap Ball 0.9 mm., OT Equator, Locator,
Attachments: OT Multiuse Bar Connector (Retainer Plastic Clip)
Attachments: Gold Rider, OT Multiuse Bar Connector (Retainer Plastic Clip)