Technology Meets Art


Hawley Appliance

It is a removable plate made of acrylic. The fact that it is not fixed makes it easy to clean but requires patient cooperation.

Expansion Appliance

It is used to expand the upper jaw skeletally in cases where the upper jaw is narrow. Between the ages of 9-15, the appliance is most effective.

Monoblock Appliance

It is a one-piece appliance that grips both jaws and is used in cases where the lower jaw is backward or if there is a chin offset.

Nance and TPA Appliance

The Nance appliance can be used to dilate or rotate the upper molar tooth in response to tooth movement or to keep them in place. The appliance can generally be used to prevent the upper molar teeth from slipping forward and as a fixed upper retainer. The Tran-Palatal Arch (TPA) Appliance is used to fix the position of the molar teeth.


Used to expand the arch before or during fixed treatment. It is made entirely of biomedical stainless steel and the body is completely smooth with no rough area to aid hygiene. We provide an integrated activation switch on the arm with any expansion device.


A pediatric appliance (also known as a band or a ring) is used to keep the milk tooth that has been grown in place.

Athlete Plate

Our athletic mouthguards are produced in various colors and thicknesses. We can create a solid, double or tricolor mouthguards. Our athletic mouthguards can be made in thickness of 3, 4 or 5 mm depending on the theme of the sport.

Whitening Trays

After modeling, a space is created for the whitening material and then trays are prepared.

Night Plaque

Night plaque is a special kind of plaque intended to shield teeth from wear and jaw formation degradation caused by jaw tightening and tooth grinding issues while sleeping.

Acrylic Night Plaque

hey are rigid acrylic removable appliances that match the occlusal or incisal surfaces of the teeth in one of the dental arches and make complete occlusal contact with the arch.