Complete dental prostheses are removable prostheses that sit on the lower and upper jaw with support from the tissue in cases where all teeth are lost due to reasons such as caries, trauma, bone resorption.
Crowns made on the support teeth are used instead of crochets on the teeth in these dentures, which are known as precision attachments. In this type of dentures, the movable part is attached to the fixed prostheses in the mouth with precision attachments or sliding systems.
Skeletal Dentures can perform their functions by means of special prongs and crochets surrounding the teeth while being supported by natural teeth.
It is applied in cases of allergy in some patients, especially against coloring materials used in removable dentures. Allergy-causing material is not used on the contact surfaces of the dentures with the patient tissue, it can be used on non-contact surfaces to provide aesthetics.
Implant-supported dentures design can also be the ball-anchored dentures over the implant in the form of mini implants or standard implants. Upper bar attachment dentures are also among the removable dentures over implants.
These are dentures that are planned and applied before tooth extraction and applied to the mouth immediately after extraction.